Selasa, 04 Juni 2024

Biaya Masuk Taman Kanak Kanak (TK) dan Sekolah Dasar (SD) AZHARI ISLAMIC SCHOOL CILANDAK Jakarta Selatan

SPP Bulanan Azhari Islamic School Cilandak

Kindergarten : Rp. 300.000,-

Primary : Rp. 1.150.000,- (Sudah Termasuk Makan Siang)

Menerima Murid Baru Th. 2025/2026

01 Oktober 2024 sd. 30 Oktober 2024


Pengasuh Program:

Dr. KH. M.Syairozi Dimyathy

Ketua Jaringan Mahad Al -Azhary Indonesia

Dr. H. Taufik Abdillah Syukur, Lc., MA

Direktur Azhari Islamic School Cilandak


Keunggulan Program:

Tahsin Al-Qur’an (Metode Qira'ati) & Makharij Huruf

Tahfizh Al-Qur’an, Arabic & Islamic Studies (Al-Azhar Cairo Curriculum)

English, Mathematics & Science (Cambridge Curriculum)

Able To Practice 2000 vocabularies of Arabic and English in daily conversation


Mendapatkan : 

1. Ijazah Al Azhar Cairo Mesir

2. Ijazah Nasional (Diknas)

3. Syahadah Qira'ati


“Contact Us :”

Azhari Islamic School Cilandak (TK-SD)

Jl. TB. Simatupang (belakang Gedung Ratu Prabu I, samping SMPN 56) Jl. Jeruk Purut No. 10 Cilandak Timur Jakarta Selatan 12560 Telp/Fax: 021-7800345/021-78838073

 No. account BRI : 0523-01-000093-308

a/n : Azhari Islamic School Cilandak

Website           :

Email               :

Facebook        : azhari cilandak

Instagram        : azhari_cilandak

Contact Person :

Ms. Ellia Imelda Putri      : 0817-0097-565

Ms. Salma Meilinda         : 0852-8071-8940


To face globalization era and a flow of information which run faster, so force us to possess a good human resources, and always be ready to receive an innovation which is growing up.

To answer the challenge, Azhari Islamic School Cilandak always tries to keep improving in management, technical, teaching and learning methods, curriculum, and structure and infrastructure, so it’s expected can give a strong basic for our children to take knowledge in a higher education level and finally be ready to involve in society as a competed human, possess a competency, quality, and able to contribute their knowledge to parents, neighborhood, nation  and state.

Azhari Islamic School Cilandak did some basic changing toward the more modern education system based on Al-Quran and knowledge improvement in line with the education purposes those are   god fearing (taqwa), possess a good behavior, smartness, skilled, healthy physically and  mentally, good confidence, strong personality, able to build himself and  parents and has responsibility toward believers and his nation development.

By doing the education with that system, Azhari Islamic School Cilandak gives its more concern to the behavior education.

As our appreciation to parents, we report activities, curriculum, and teaching and learning methods, so we hope that parents can monitor all their children activities in the school.

Finally, we hope any supports, and actively participation from foundation board, education consultant, school supervisor, teachers, staffs, parents, students, and all lines of management in Azhari Islamic School Cilandak.


Be the reference of Islamic Education System as the basic of civilization


  • Guide and teach students to have a strong Islamic Faith, to be broad minded, have good behavior, skillful, creative, independent and striving to achieve
  • Use and develop the curriculum of al-Azhar Cairo
  • Apply Islamic values and scientific knowledge


  • Implementing KTSP, Al-Azhar, Cairo, and Singapore’s Curriculum
  • Combining smartness and kids’ talent
  • Building kids’  creativity maximumly
  • Developing Cognitive, Affective, and Physichomotoric skills 
  • Building kids’ learning competency (children center)
  • Communicating in 2 languages
  • Developing self-actualization
  • Islamic International minded
  • Learning evaluation result given with progress report n portfolio


  • The students must attend to the school early at 07.15
  • The students must wear a uniform in line with the schedule decided
  • The students who come late must report to a duty teacher
  • The students who can’t attend to the school to inform a duty teacher or home room teacher (via-phone or communication book). If he is sick more than 3 days to send a doctor recommendation.
  • The students who want to leave the school early, the parent must inform the home room teacher in writing. The students who are not accompanied by the parents are not allowed to leave the school in school time.The students are not allowed to be accompanied to the classroom.
  • The students are not allowed to wear abundant jewelry, bring HP, sharp weapons, drugs, cigarrette, porn pictures, toys, comics, and have long nails.
  • The students to send greating toward teachers and schoolmates when they are meeting.
  • The students’ parents who want to meet a teacher, to make an appointment and write down it on the communication book.
  • The students expected to leave the school when the school time is off.
  • The students are not under school responsibility if they are not picked up by the parents after 30 minutes
  • The students must obey the rules, who  violates it will get consequences.
  • The students will get qonsequences such as orally advice, written advice and parents calling.


  • Penerimaan siswa baru ditutup jika kuota sudah terpenuhi.
  • Siswa TK A berumur 4 tahun dan SD 6 tahun
  • Waktu Pendaftaran setiap hari Senin – Jum’at pukul  07.15 – 15.00 WIB
  • Test Masuk SD : Membaca, Menulis, dan  Berhitung
  • Biaya Kegiatan sudah termasuk Ekstrakurikuler, Filed Trip,  Ujian Formatif dan Sumatif.
  • Uang SPP sudah termasuk makan siang.
  • Waktu Belajar Sekolah :  Senin–Jum’at  : 07.15 – 15.00 WIB